Name of the NGO *
Year Founded *
Cause Category *
Brief Introduction
Chief Functionary Name *
Chief Functionary Email *
Chief Functionary Mobile *
Correspondence Details
Correspondence Address *
City *
State *
Country *
Pincode *
Contact No *
Email Address *
Registration Details Same as correspondence address
Registered Address *
City *
State *
Country *
Pincode *
CSR Registration no. *
CSR Registration Date *
FCRA no.
12A Registration no *
12A Registration valid upto *
80G Registration no. *
80G Registration valid upto *
PAN no. *
Darpan Id
NGO Turnover (in FY 2021-22) *
Which sustainable development goals (SDGs) do your programs/interventions contribute to?
No Poverty   
Zero Hunger   
Good Health and Well-being   
Quality Education   
Gender Equality   
Clean Water and Sanitation   
Affordable and Clean Energy   
Decent Work and Economic Growth   
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure   
Reduced Inequality   
Sustainable Cities and Communities   
Responsible Consumption and Production   
Climate Action   
Life Below Water   
Life on Land   
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions   
Partnerships to achieve the Goal   
Other Information Details
Website Address
Facebook Link
Twitter Link
YouTube Link
Linkedin Link
Instagram Link
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